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11 October 2024 News

Promoting access to green energy through inclusive finance: what environmental impact?

A new analysis by ADA conducted in collaboration with the LIST shows the positive impact in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions of two projects promoting access to low-carbon equipment through inclusive finance.
African woman drying cocoa beans
24 September 2024

SSNUP project completion: certified, traceable cocoa and cashew nuts in West Africa

The project helped three cooperatives in Ghana, Togo, and Côte d’Ivoire to renew and obtain sustainability certifications, implement a new digital management system and perform polygon mapping of the farmers’ plots.

18 September 2024 Interviews

“We need to empower women economically to break the vicious circle of poverty”

Interview with Aurélie Soetens, Knowledge management officer & Gender lead at ADA.
12 September 2024

Lessons learnt from digitalising microfinance institutions in Central America

Between 2019 and 2022, ADA supported the Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Network (REDCAMIF) in implementing digital quick wins at 17 member MFIs in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
22 August 2024 News

Lessons learnt from promoting sustainable and responsible finance in Cambodia

To conclude the partnership with CMA, ADA summarised its impact on the development of the Cambodian microfinance sector as well as lessons learnt from 2008 to 2022 in a comprehensive document.
L’appel à projets a permis l'intégration de cinq nouveaux investisseurs d'impact
07 August 2024

Call for projects concluded with five new impact investors

The SSNUP programme will now collaborate with Clarmondial (Switzerland), Goodwell Investments (Netherlands), HEKS-EPER (Switzerland), Sinergi (Burkina Faso) and Zira Capital (Mali) and co-fund the selected projects.

Publication du rapport annuel 2023 du programme SSNUP
05 August 2024

Publication of the SSNUP annual report 2023

The SSNUP programme’s latest annual report highlights a record 34 projects approved in 2023 for 122 beneficiary organisations, bringing the total to 75 projects for 183 organisations by year-end.

01 August 2024 News

Training and financing young entrepreneurs in Senegal

ADA implements a holistic strategy to empower young entrepreneurs in Senegal through tailored financing, business and soft skills training, and a recent four-year collaboration with LuxDev, aiming to enhance their social, environmental, and economic impact.
Food safety certification for a cashew nut processor in Togo
25 July 2024

SSNUP project completion: food safety certification for a cashew nut processor in Togo

Cajou Espoir, a cashew nut processor in Togo, achieved BRC certification by improving its processes and equipment, thereby ensuring food safety and quality, and enhancing local value chains to meet international market standards.

24 July 2024 Projects

Supporting vulnerable entrepreneurs and farmers in Bangladesh

ADA recently concluded two pilot projects in Bangladesh with the NGO Friendship Bangladesh.