
Website editor:

The website is edited by ADA, a not-for profit organisation. For all questions regarding this site and content, please contact.

Christophe Hebting
Head of Communication
Phone Nr.: +352 45 68 68 1 

The maintenance of this site is made by:

Bunker Palace
18 rue du commerce
L-3450 Dudelange

The website is hosted by:

34, Rue du fossé
L-4123 Esch/Alzette

Terms of Service

The user acknowledges the legal provisions relating to consultation of a website and the use of data and undertakes to respect them. The user is solely responsible for the use and interpretation of data to consult, interrogate or transfer through internet.

Applicable law


This disclaimer are subject to Luxembourg law. The official site language is French. In case of dispute, the Luxembourg courts will have jurisdiction.


The available data on the / site is subject to regular updates. The ADA association can not be held responsible for any errors in the information or for any damages, whatever their nature, which, if any, arise because of their inaccuracy.

The site may refer to third party websites on which ADA has no control and can not be held responsible.

The website disclaims any responsibility for any delay, error or omission in the content of these pages, in case of interruption or unavailability of service.

As the ADA responsibility in any case can not be engaged in any kind consequential damages.

Personal data and data protection

Please refer to our privacy policy.

Copyright and broadcasting rights

© ADA. Unless otherwise stated, all site content (text, images, video and audio) are the property of their respective authors. Representation, distribution or redistribution in whole or in part, the content of this site, the reproduction of information or images is not permitted.
