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African woman drying cocoa beans
24 September 2024

SSNUP project completion: certified, traceable cocoa and cashew nuts in West Africa

The project helped three cooperatives in Ghana, Togo, and Côte d’Ivoire to renew and obtain sustainability certifications, implement a new digital management system and perform polygon mapping of the farmers’ plots.

L’appel à projets a permis l'intégration de cinq nouveaux investisseurs d'impact
07 August 2024

Call for projects concluded with five new impact investors

The SSNUP programme will now collaborate with Clarmondial (Switzerland), Goodwell Investments (Netherlands), HEKS-EPER (Switzerland), Sinergi (Burkina Faso) and Zira Capital (Mali) and co-fund the selected projects.

Publication du rapport annuel 2023 du programme SSNUP
05 August 2024

Publication of the SSNUP annual report 2023

The SSNUP programme’s latest annual report highlights a record 34 projects approved in 2023 for 122 beneficiary organisations, bringing the total to 75 projects for 183 organisations by year-end.

Food safety certification for a cashew nut processor in Togo
25 July 2024

SSNUP project completion: food safety certification for a cashew nut processor in Togo

Cajou Espoir, a cashew nut processor in Togo, achieved BRC certification by improving its processes and equipment, thereby ensuring food safety and quality, and enhancing local value chains to meet international market standards.

04 July 2024

SSNUP project completion: financial inclusion of Zambian smallholder farmers

With the support of SSNUP impact investor Symbiotics, the commercial bank AB Bank Zambia (ABZ) implemented a project to enable rural and remote customers to access digital financial services.


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